Golden Go
Have you ever tried to help your parents or grandparents on a trip? If you have, then you know the struggles they have with technology when traveling. I wanted to create and design an app that would help people 65+ to be able to book travel in the simplest way possible while still catering to their specific needs. I wanted to have access to live help at the click of a button to save everyone else the frantic phone calls from our parents complaining about the computer not doing what they want it to do. This project explores the simplistic nature of the app as well as how I catered to the senior community.
I started with my wireframes: making an app that is functional and easy to use is not an easy task. During my user research I learned that most seniors get frustrated with too many options when booking travel. I wanted to make sure that anyone could use it without fail. By making it beyond simple I believe I achieved my goals.
By adding some color and easy login options I felt that I removed some of the frustration when booking flights. With tools like Google and Apple at our disposal they can do the heavy lifting when remembering login information, addresses, known traveler numbers, and other personal information.
“Representative” “REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!”
I’m sure you’ve heard your dad shouting these words trying to get a hold of a live person getting more and more angry before he even reaches a real voice. I wanted to relieve some of that stress by having quick options like email, chat or calling. In an ideal world I would have the “give us a call” function work in an instant, connecting to a live person within seconds. By having other options at the ready, some of the more tech savvy people can get their problems resolved with a quick chat or email.